Friday, June 20, 2008


Out here in the Big Apple Olympic opinion is like one of those grade school logic problems. Everyone we talk to brings something different to the table and sometimes it's hard to make sense of it all. But let's give this one a go...

Yesterday morning on the uptown A train, Senegal read 17 articles from 26 international sources. Over dinner at Blue Ribbon Sushi, Canada and Yemen discussed 15 different Olympic topics. The A train was running local from W 4th street to Columbus Circle.

If the uni sashimi came with a side of brown rice and the population of Yemen is 22,230,531, then according to the official CFW countdown, how many days is it before the Olympic equestrians rock out in Hong Kong?

Stumped? So were we. Today is Friday after all.

The answer is fifty-fucking-one.

August 9-21 at the Beas River venue in Shatin, Hong Kong baby. Bring it.

We can't f*&kn wait.


Anonymous said...

as long as you're examining horse fetishes and folks getting hurt working with them, you should at least give this guy a mention

EC said...

dude, this is an Olympic sport we're discussing, not freak fetishes. let's keep Zoo at the art house cinematek...