Friday, June 27, 2008


When we were kids, growing up in Juneau, AK, we didn't have a t.v. But the folks did have an old computer monitor they kept in their closet that had an adapter for bunny ears. Every four years, they would bring that monitor out and set it up in the living room of our apartment and for the next two weeks, we could watch as much of the Olympics as we wanted.

We had crushes on the following:

1. Dominique Dawes
2. Kim Zmeskal
3. The person who okay this event:

In the year 2000, trampoline was added as an Olympic discipline under gymnastics. In trampoline, gymnasts perform high-flying flips and twists on every bounce.

4. Sarah "Take That China" Hammer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what about hillary lindh?

home town girl. or do the winter olympics not count? at least back then they were in the same year...